
Prefix that denotes a relationship to fungus. From the Greek mykes, meaning fungus.

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  • Mycelium

    An array of fungal filaments which was thought to resemble a display of decorative nails. From the Greek mykes, meaning fungus + helos, meaning an ornamental nail or stud.

  • Mycet-

    Prefix that denotes a relationship to fungus. From the Greek mykes, meaning fungus.

  • Myco-

    Prefix that denotes a relationship to fungus. From the Greek mykes, meaning fungus.

  • Mycobacterium

    Mycobacterium avium — which causes tuberculosis-like illness in birds and immunodeficient people; Mycobacterium leprae — which causes leprosy; Mycobacterium marinum — which causes swimming pool granuloma; Mycobacterium tuberculosis — which causes tuberculosis; and Mycobacterium ulcerans — which causes Buruli ulcer. The mycobacteria are acid-fast rod-shaped bacteria. They are usually slow-growing. Many are intracellular parasites.

  • Mycobacterium abscessus Mycobacterium abscessus in Healthcare Settings.

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