A type of cell in the central nervous system. The oligodendrocytes surround and insulate the long fibers (axons) through which the nerves send electrical messages.
Read Also:
- Oligodendroglioma
A rare, slow-growing brain tumor that begins in cells called oligodendrocytes, which provide support and nourishment for cells that transmit nerve impulses. Also known as oligodendroglial tumor.
- Oligomenorrhea
Less menstrual blood flow than usual.
- Oligonucleotide
A short DNA molecule that is composed of relatively few nucleotide bases.
- Oligonucleotide probe
A short sequence of nucleotides that are synthesized to match a specific region of DNA or RNA then used as a molecular probe to detect the specific DNA or RNA sequence.
- Oligopeptide
A molecule that is composed of a few amino acids linked to one another.