The area from below the nose to the upper lip. Normally the philtrum is grooved. In fetal alcohol syndrome, the philtrum is flat.
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- Phimosis
A condition in which the foreskin of the penis is too tight to be pulled back to reveal the glans. This usually causes no problems and nothing needs be done. If phimosis causes obstruction of the urinary stream, meaturia (blood in the urine), or pain, this can require surgery to relieve the phimosis. Circumcision prevents […]
- Phlebitis
Inflammation of a vein. With phlebitis, there is infiltration of the walls of the vein and, usually, the formation of a clot (thrombus) in the vein (thrombophlebitis). Phlebitis in a leg, for example, causes the leg to swell with fluid (edema). Phlebitis can be superficial and not very serious, or it can be deep and […]
- Phlebo- (prefix)
Means vein. From the Greek “phleps”, vein, which came from the root “phlein”, to gush or overflow. Appears in phlebitis (inflammation of the veins), phlebotomist (a person who draws blood from veins), and phlebotomy (a venipuncture).
- Phlebotomist
A person who draws blood for diagnostic tests or to remove blood for treatment purposes.
- Phlebotomy
Obtaining blood from a vein. In the old days, this was done by incising (cutting) a vein and just letting the blood flow into a container. Today phlebotomy is done more neatly by puncturing a vein with a needle. Phlebotomy may be done in order to obtain blood for diagnostic tests or to remove blood […]