On a lab report, insufficient quantity of sample.
Read Also:
- q.s.
On a prescription, as needed.
- q_h (on prescription)
q.d. (qd or QD) is once a day; q.d. stands for “quaque die” (which means, in Latin, once a day). b.i.d. (bid or BID) is twice a day; b.i.d. stands for “bis in die” (which means twice a day). t.i.d. (or tid or TID) is three times a day ; t.i.d. stands for “ter in […]
- qd (on prescription)
If a medicine is to be taken every so-many hours, it is written “q_h”; the “q” standing for “quaque” and the “h” indicating the number of hours. So, for example, “2 caps q4h” means “Take 2 capsules every 4 hours.”
Quality adjusted life year, a year of life adjusted for its quality or its value. A year in perfect health is considered equal to 1.0 QALY. The value of a year in ill health would be discounted. For example, a year bedridden might have a value equal to 0.5 QALY.
- Qi gong
(“chee-GUNG”) A component of traditional Chinese medicine that combines movement, meditation, and regulation of breathing to enhance the flow of qi (an ancient term given to what is believed to be vital energy) in the body. Qi gong exercises involve the meridian system used in acupuncture, mind intent and breathing techniques during movement. When these […]