Secondary amyloidosis

One of a group of diseases (called amyloidosis) in which protein deposits (amyloid) accumulate in one or more organ systems in the body, secondary amyloid is caused by a chronic infection or inflammatory disease such as rheumatoid arthritis, familial Mediterranean fever, osteomyelitis, or granulomatous ileitis.

The protein deposits in this type of the disease are made up of a protein called the AA protein.

In secondary (AA) amyloidosis, the symptoms caused by the underlying chronic infection or inflammatory disease are frequently joined by the development of amyloid deposits in the kidney. This may cause fatigue (a feeling of being unusually tired) and edema (swelling). In the laboratory, there will be excess protein found in the urine.

Appropriate treatment of the underlying chronic infection or inflammatory disease can slow down or even halt the progression of this type of amyloidosis.

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