Spermatic cord
A group of structures that go through the inguinal canal to the testis. These structures include the vas deferens, arteries, veins, lymphatic vessels, and nerves.
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- Spermatocide
Any agent that is destructive to spermatozoa (that is, kills sperm). Nonoxynol-9 is the most commonly encountered spermatocide in the United States. (The nonoxynols, technically speaking, are nonionic surfactant [surface active] mixtures that vary in the number of repeating ethoxy groups.) They are much used as detergents, emulsifiers, wetting and defoaming agents, etc. Nonoxynol-9 has […]
- Spermatogenesis
The process of sperm formation. The term was created from the prefix “spermato-” (Greek sperma, the seed or germ) + “genesis” (the coming into being of something) = the coming into being of sperm. Spermatogenesis is in contrast to oogenesis, the process of egg (ovum) formation.
- Spermicide, vaginal
A vaginal spermicide is a substance that will kill sperm in the vagina. Vaginal spermicides are available in foam, cream, jelly, film, suppository, or tablet forms. All types contain a sperm-killing chemical. Studies have not produced definitive data on the efficacy of spermicides used alone (without a diaphragm or cervical cap) but research suggests the […]
A number on a scale for rating the degree of protection provided by sunscreens. SPF stands for Sun Protection Factor. SPF numbers on a package can range from as low as 2 to as high as 100. These numbers refer to the product’s ability to screen or block out the sun’s burning rays. It is […]
- Sphenoid
1. Shaped like a wedge. 2. Relating to the sphenoid bone (which is wedge-shaped).