Spherocytosis, hereditary (HS)
50 chance to have hereditary spherocytosis.
The treatment of hereditary 0spherocytosis is to remove the spleen (splenectomy). Although the red cell defect persists, the breakup of the red cells (hemolysis) ceases. Splenectomy, however, is a hazard in young children. Young children without a spleen are at increased risk for overwhelming sepsis (bloodstream infection), particularly with the pneumococcus bacteria. Splenectomy is therefore usually postponed if possible until the age of 3 years. Before having a splenectomy, anyone with hereditary spherocytosis should have the pneumococcal vaccine. Ideally one should also receive the vaccines against Helophilus B and Meningococcal infection. Such vaccines should be given 14 days before splenectomy if possible. A yearly flu shot is also recommended after splenectomy. Persons with hereditary spherocytosis (or another cause of brisk ongoing hemolysis) should take supplemental folic acid as it is used up quickly due to the increased need to produce more red blood cells.
The prognosis (outlook) after splenectomy is for a normal life and a normal life expectancy.
HS is also known as congenital hemolytic jaundice, severe atypical spherocytosis, spherocytosis type II, ankyrin deficiency, erythrocyte ankyrin deficiency, ankyrin-R deficiency, and ankyrin1 deficiency.
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