Supernumerary nipple
An extra nipple. Supernumerary nipples are usually smaller than normal and vestigial (nonfunctional, without accompanying mammary glands). They tend to occur along a roughly curved line that extends from near the armpit, through the center of the normal breast, and down to the lower abdomen. This distribution is very similar to the location of nipples on mammals that have multiple nipples along the underbelly. Supernumerary nipples do not cause problems and do not need to be removed.
Read Also:
- Supernumerary placenta
A succenturiate or accessory placenta.
- Supertaster
A person who has an unusually large density of taste buds, each surrounded by pain fibers. As a result, the person has an exquisite ability to taste accurately.
- Supination
Rotation of the arm or leg outward. In the case of supination of the arm, the palm of the hand faces forward.
- Supinator foot type
A type of foot that restricts the impact of the stride largely to the outer edges of the foot. This type of foot often has a very high, rigid arch.
- Supine
With the back or dorsal surface downward. A person who is supine is lying face up. As opposed to prone. For a more complete listing of terms used in medicine for spatial orientation, please see the entry to “Anatomic Orientation Terms”.