Tube, endotracheal
A flexible plastic tube that is put in the mouth and then inserted through the vocal cords down into the trachea (the airway). The doctor inserts the tube with the help of a laryngoscope. The procedure is called endotracheal intubation. The purpose is to ventilate the lungs.
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- Tube, Eustachian
the upper part called the nasopharynx, the middle part called the oropharynx, and the lower part called the hypopharynx. The Eustachian tube opens into the nasopharynx. The Eustachian tube measures only 17-18mm and is horizontal at birth. As it grows to double that length, it grows to be at an incline of 45 degrees in […]
- Tube, Fallopian
a pregnancy developing in the Fallopian tube or another abnormal location outside the uterus. These tubes bear the name of Gabriele Falloppio (also spelled Falloppia), a 16th-century (c. 1523-62) Italian physician and surgeon who was expert in anatomy, physiology and pharmacology. He was an early expert on syphilis and one of the great surgeons of […]
- Tube, NG
An NG (nasogastric) tube is one that is passed through the nose (via the nasopharynx and esophagus) down into the stomach. An NG tube is a flexible tube made of rubber or plastic and has bidirectional potential. A nasogastric tube can thus be used to remove the contents of the stomach including air (to decompress […]
- Tube, otopharyngeal
the upper part called the nasopharynx, the middle part called the oropharynx, and the lower part called the hypopharynx. The Eustachian tube opens into the nasopharynx. The Eustachian tube measures only 17-18mm and is horizontal at birth. As it grows to double that length, it grows to be at an incline of 45 degrees in […]
- Tube, tympanostomy
A small tube inserted into the eardrum to keep the middle ear aerated for a prolonged period of time. These ventilating tubes usually remain in place for 6 months to several years. Eventually, they move out of the eardrum (extrude) and fall out into the ear canal. Also called ear tubes.