
In Dutch, the name Thomas means – Christian name. According to Eusebius, the disciples name was actually Judah(s). Thomas was a nickname to differentiate him from others who had the same name. He was later apostle and became the`unbelieving Thomas because he initially didn’t want to believe in the resurrection of Christ (Joh. 20,24-29). According to the tradition he became a martyr in Indonesia. Holiday: December 21st.. Other origins for the name Thomas include – Dutch, Greek, Hebrew.The name Thomas is most often used as a boy name or male name.

Dutch Name Meaning – Christian name. According to Eusebius, the disciples name was actually Judah(s). Thomas was a nickname to differentiate him from others who had the same name. He was later apostle and became the`unbelieving Thomas because he initially didn’t want to believe in the resurrection of Christ (Joh. 20,24-29). According to the tradition he became a martyr in Indonesia. Holiday: December 21st.

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