Short for Attachment Unit Interface, the portion of the Ethernet standard that specifies how a cable is to be connected to an Ethernet card. AUI specifies a coaxial cable connected to a transceiver that plugs into a 15-pin socket on the network interface card (NIC).
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(1) Short for acceptable use policy. Also known as TOS (Terms of Service). A contract specifying what a subscriber can and cannot do while using an ISP’s service. Contains things like liability disclaimers, lists of actions or behavior that will result in the termination of a customers account, definition of terms such as “unlimited use,” […]
Short for Audio Video Interleave, the file format for Microsoft’s Video for Windows standard. See under Video for Windows.
Short for Address Verification Service, AVS is a service used in the United States to verify a cardholder’s billing address. This service provides fraud prevention for transactions that are completed without a credit card being physically presented (CNP), usually for mail-order, telephone or Internet purchases.
- AV Killer
Short for antivirus Killer, a malicious tool used to disable a user’s antivirus program to help elude detection. AV killers may also attempt to disable firewalls.
In chat abbreviations AWOL is short for Away without leaving, an indication that the user is still near the computer but is otherwise occupied. Chat abbreviations are commonly used in Internet and online communications mediums such as e-mail, IRC, instant messaging, or through SMS.