brush tool
In graphics and image-editing programs, the brush tool is an element of the painting tool that allows you to select a brush shape (square, circle, oval and so on) and also the the thickness in pixels you want to paint on your image with. As you move your cursor over the image it leaves a stroke of color.
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- brute force
Refers to a programming style that does not include any shortcuts to improve performance, but instead relies on sheer computing power to try all possibilities until the solution to a problem is found. A classic example is the traveling salesman problem (TSP). Suppose a salesman needs to visit 10 cities across the country. How does […]
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A type of ink-jet printer developed by Canon. The principal difference between bubble-jet printers and other ink-jet printers is that bubble-jet printers use special heating elements to prepare the ink whereas ink-jet printers uses piezoelectric crystals.
- bubble memory
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- bubble sort
A simple but popular sorting algorithm. Bubble sorting is used frequently as a programming exercise because it is relatively easy to understand. It is not, however, particularly efficient. Other sorting algorithms, such as heap sorts, merge sorts and quicksorts, are used more often in real applications.
- buddy list
Often used in conjunction with AOL programs, a buddy list is a window that shows all your buddies (friends, family, coworkers, and others) who are signed on to AOL, CompuServe, or AIM. Whenever they sign on, their screen names appear in your “Buddy List” and you can communicate with them instantly. The buddy list represents […]