channel captain
The name given to the chief individual or company responsible for overseeing a channel and its channel partners. A channel captain would organize the channel and prevent or handle any issues and conflict within the channel and also largely decide the products and services that are distributed throughout the channel.
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- channel partner
The name used to describe a company that partners with a manufacturer or producer to market and sell the manufacturer’s products, services, or technologies- usually through a co-branding relationship. Channel partners may be distributors, vendors, retailers, consultants, systems integrators (SI), technology deployment consultancies, and value-added resellers (VARs) and other organizations.
- channel strategy
The term used to describe the method that controls the flow of goods and services from the manufacturer to the end-user.
- chapter
On DVD movies, a chapter is a marker used for navigation purposes. The movie file is broken into segments, called chapters, and each chapter can be accessed by the main menu on the DVD.
- Character
In computer software, any symbol that requires one byte of storage. This includes all the ASCII and extended ASCII characters, including the space character. In character-based software, everything that appears on the screen, including graphics symbols, is considered to be a character. In graphics-based applications, the term character is generally reserved for letters, numbers, and […]
- character animation
In computer animation, character animation is the creation of an animated person or animal. The animator will make a unique character-generated individual and decide how the character will look, move, and interact with its environment.