data services (DaaS)
A service provider that enables data access on demand to users regardless of their geographic location. Also called Data as a Service (DaaS), data services are similar to Software as a Service (SaaS) in that the information is stored in the cloud and is accessible by a wide range of systems and devices.
Data services can eliminate redundancy and streamline costs by housing critical data in one location, enabling the data to be accessed and/or updated by multiple users while ensuring a single point for updates. Potential drawbacks to data services include server downtime from the data service provider, data loss in the event of a disaster, and the security of the data, both in its stored location and in the transmission of the data among users.
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- data set
(1) A named collection of data in an IBM mainframe operating system. A data set in an IBM mainframe is the equivalent of a file in other operating systems, such as Mac OS, Windows and UNIX, for PCs. (2) A deprecated term for modem.
- Data Structure
In programming, the term data structure refers to a scheme for organizing related pieces of information. The basic types of data structures include: files lists arrays records trees tables Each of these basic structures has many variations and allows different operations to be performed on the data.
- Data Synchronization
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- Data Type
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