dynamic content

Web site or blog content that changes frequently and engages the reader, dynamic content can include animations, video or audio.

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  • dynamic disk

    Supported by Windows 2000, dynamic disk is a physical disk initialized for dynamic storage. It holds simple volumes, spanned volumes, mirrored volumes, striped volumes, and RAID-5 volumes. With a dynamic disk you can perform disk and volume management without having to restart the operating system. Upgrading a basic disk to dynamic storage will render the […]

  • dynamic function loading

    (dī-nam´ik funk´sh&n lōd´ing) (n.) Also known as lazy loading, the capability to specify which components of a program are called into memory and which components are not called into memory by default when a program is first launched. Dynamic function loading is a method of speeding up the initial load time of a program. Because […]

  • dynamic shared object

    A dynamic shared object (DSO) is an object file that is intended to be used simultaneously (or shared by) multiple applications while they’re executing. A DSO can be used in place of archive libraries and will minimize overall memory usage because code is shared. Two executables that use the same DSO and that run simultaneously […]

  • dynamic variable

    In programming, a dynamic variable is a variable whose address is determined when the program is run. In contrast, a static variable has memory reserved for it at compilation time.

  • dynaset

    A database sub-table that selects and sorts records as specified by a question. It will automatically reflect changes in its underlying tables and, when modified, can make changes in those tables.

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