Short for fiber-to-the-curb, the installation of optical fiber from a telephone switch to within 1,000 feet of a home or enterprise. Typically, coaxial cable is used to establish the connection from curb to building.
Compare with FTTH.
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Short for fiber-to-the-home, the installation of optical fiber from a telephone switch directly into the subscriber��s home. Fiber optic cable is an alternative to coaxial cable. FTTH is also referred to as fiber-to-the-building(FTTB), which includes optical fiber that is installed directly into a home or enterprise. Compare with FTTC. A disadvantage of FTTH, as opposed […]
Acronym for fear, uncertainty and doubt. It is a marketing term that is often used to cast a shadow over a competitor’s product when your own is unable to compete. FUD is a technique used by larger companies who have a large market share. The FUD acronym was first freely defined by Gene Amdahl after […]
Acronym for Foreign Exchange Office FXO is the interface on a VoIP device for connecting to an analog PBX extension.
(1) Short for File eXchange Protocol. See File eXchange Protocol. (2) Short for Foreign Exchange Protocol, a simple, automatic way of retrieving currency exchange rates over the Internet. (3) fxp is the file extension for the compiled source code for FoxPro. See Data Formats and Their File Extensions on
Acronym for Foreign Exchange Station. FXS, or Foreign Exchange Station, is the interface on a VoIP device for connecting directly to phones, faxes, and CO ports on a PBX or key telephone systems.