In electronics and audio consumer electronics gain is a unit of measurement used to mean the ratio of a signal output of a system to the signal input of the system. Gain is a term most commonly associated with amplifiers.
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- H.245
Is an H.323 protocol for capability negotiation, messages for opening and closing channels for media streams; for example – media signaling.
- H.323
An International Telecommunications Union (ITU) standard that provides specification for computers, equipment, and services for multimedia communication over packet based networks that defines how real-time audio, video and data information is transmitted. H.323 is commonly used in VoIP, Internet Telephony, and IP-based videoconferencing. Users can connect with other users over the Internet and use varying […]
- H.324
A suite of standards approved by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) that defines videoconferencing over analog (POTS) telephone wires. One of the main components of H.324 is the V.80 protocol that specifies how modems should handle streaming audio and video data.
- Hal/S
A high-level programming language commissioned by NASA in the 1970’s. Hal/S is a a real-time aerospace programming language that is most known for use in NASA’s Space Shuttle program. Hal/S is used in the programming of onboard shuttle software. Initially Hal/S was a FORTRAN preprocessor then called Hal that was written in FORTRAN and generated […]
- Hamming code
(ham´ing kōd) (n.) In digital data transmissions, a method of error detection and correction in which every string of four bits is replaced with a string of seven bits. The last three added bits are parity-checking bits that the receiving device uses to check for and correct any errors. Hamming code will detect any double […]