id10t error
(pronounced eye-dee-ten-tee) Technical support shorthand used to describe a common computer error caused by a user who has “no idea about what they are doing”. An id10t error is one that the user usually will not admit responsibility for. For example, if a user calls tech support claiming their password will not work, but they in fact were mistyping the password, the tech support may note the caller’s file or log the event as an id10t error.
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- identification
(n.) In a biometric security system, the process of comparing a biometric data sample against all of the system��s databased reference templates in order to establish the identity of the person trying to gain access to the system. Contrast with verification.
- identifier
Same as name. The term identifier is usually used for variable names.
- identity
In computer technology, the unique name of a person, device, or the combination of both that is recognized by a system. Many types of AAA systems rely on unique identities to ensure the security of networks and resources.
- image
(1) In computer science an image is an exact replica of the contents of a storage device (a hard disk drive or CD-ROM for example) stored on a second storage device.
- image de-skew
The process of straightening an image that has been scanned or photographed crookedly — that is an image that is slanting too far in one direction, or one that is misaligned. This process is done in the post-production stage using graphics software. Also called deskew.\