Short for Internet Experiment Notes, a series of documents similar to RFCs concerning the early experimental work in TCP and IP. In 1977, ARPA began organizing and financing a research project to build an Internet based on the work done by Bob Kahn and Vint Cerf in 1974. Led by the Internet Working Group, the project needed a way to share technical notes and created IENs so that they wouldn��t be confused with ARPANET��s RFCs.

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  • IETF

    Short for Internet Engineering Task Force, the main standards organization for the Internet. The IETF is a large open international community of network designers, operators, vendors, and researchers concerned with the evolution of the Internet architecture and the smooth operation of the Internet. It is open to any interested individual.


    (pronounced as separate letters) Short for integrated fiber in the loop, another name for FTTC.

  • IGES

    Acronym for Initial Graphics Exchange Specification, an ANSI graphics file format for three-dimensional wire frame models.

  • Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP)

    Short for interior gateway protocol, IGP is a generic term for a routing protocol that is used to exchange routing information among routers in an autonomous network, such as an enterprise LAN. IGPs typically support confined geographical areas. RIP and OSPF are two examples of an IGP. Compare with EGP.

  • IGMP

    Internet Group Management Protocol is defined in RFC 1112 as the standard for IP multicasting in the Internet. It’s used to establish host memberships in particular multicast groups on a single network. The mechanisms of the protocol allow a host to inform its local router, using Host Membership Reports, that it wants to receive messages […]

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