In the context of virtual reality, the term immersion is used to describe the users’ emotional reaction to the virtual world in terms of feeling as if they are actually a part of the virtual world.
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- Impact Printer
Impact printer refers to a class of printers that work by banging a head or needle against an ink ribbon to make a mark on the paper. This includes dot-matrix printers, daisy-wheel printers, and line printers. In contrast, laser and ink-jet printers are nonimpact printers.The distinction is important because impact printers tend to be considerably […]
- import
To use data produced by another application. The ability to import data is very important in software applications because it means that one application can complement another. Many programs, for example, are designed to be able to import graphics in a variety of formats. The opposite of importing is exporting, which refers to the ability […]
- impostor
(n.) In a biometric security system, a person who submits a biometric sample in an attempt (either intentional or unintentional) to gain access to a system using the identity of another enrollee.
- impression
An advertisement’s appearance on an accessed Web page. For example, if the page you’re on shows three ads, that’s three impressions. Advertisers use impressions to measure the number of views their ads receive, and publishers often sell ad space according to impressions. (It can be tough to know, though, whether an impression really means a […]
- in-camera red-eye fix
In digital camera terminology, in-camera red-eye fix is a function of some digital camera software that will analyze each image and auto-correct any incidences red-eye, which can occur when photographing people or animals using the camera flash. If a digital camera does not have an in-camera red-eye fix, instances of red-eye can be fixed or […]