Internet Explorer (IE)

A Web browser that made its debut in 1995 as Microsoft’s response to Netscape, one of the first graphical-based Web browsers and, at the time, the dominant browser in use with control of over 90 percent of the market.

Initially called Microsoft Internet Explorer (MSIE), Internet Explorer (IE) has long held the title of most popular browser in use, despite strong competition from the likes of Mozilla Firefox, Apple’s Safari, Opera and Google Chrome.

As with most modern browsers, Internet Explorer supports Java, JavaScript, ActiveX, RSS, CSS and Ajax, while also offering features like tabbed browsing, private browsing, and built-in malware and phishing protection.

The latest official release of IE is Internet Explorer 9 (IE9), with Internet Explorer 10 scheduled to be released on October 26th, 2012 as part of the new Windows 8 operating system. IE10 will offer significantly improved support for CSS3 and HTML5 while also serving as the engine that powers the Windows 8 Metro applications that utilize HTML5 and JavaScript.

IE10 will also be the default Web browser for smartphones and other mobile devices powered by the Windows Phone 8 mobile operating system.

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