Slang term frequently used by those actively engaged P2P and unethical file sharing. A leech or leecher is considered to be a user who downloads files and provides few or no uploads in return. Crackers also uses this term to describe those who constantly request sources and information and offer nothing in return.
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- Legacy (Legacy System, Legacy Software)
In computing terms, the word legacy is used to describe outdated or obsolete technology and equipment that is still being used by an individual or organization. Legacy implies that the system is out of date or in need of replacement, however it may be in good working order so the business or individual owner does […]
- left justify
To align text along the left margin. Left-justified text is the same as flush -left text.
- legacy application
An application in which a company or organization has already invested considerable time and money. Typically, legacy applications are database management systems (DBMSs) running on mainframes or minicomputers. An important feature of new software products is the ability to work with a company’s legacy applications, or at least be able to import data from them.
- legacy device
An outdated device that a person or company has invested money in or is seen as an essential part of their system. Usually the term legacy device is used when referring to any device that is not Plug-and-Play compatible (i.e. in reference to older ISA devices).
- legacy network
(1) The term used to describe a network based on older, outdated protocols. For example, any network not based on the IP (TCP/IP) protocol – like IPX or SNA – is considered a legacy network. (2) In wireless networks, the term is used to describe networks based on older 802.11x standards that predate the 802.11n […]