line art
A type of graphic consisting entirely of lines, without any shading. Most art produced on computers is not line art because the computer makes it so easy to add subtle shadings.
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- line editor
A primitive type of editor that allows you to edit only one line of a file at a time.
- line feed
Often abbreviated LF, a line feed is a code that moves the cursor on a display screen down one line. In the ASCII character set, a line feed has a decimal value of 10. On printers, a line feed advances the paper one line. Some printers have a button labeled LF that executes a line […]
- line graph
)A type of graph that highlights trends by drawing connecting lines between data points. Compare with bar chart and pie graph.
- line-in
A type of connector found on audio devices to attach a device, such as a microphone, for recording audio. Line-in can be analog or digital. Digital line-in is also called optical line-in.
- line printer
A high-speed printer capable of printing an entire line at one time. A fast line printer can print as many as 3,000 lines per minute. The disadvantages of line printers are that they cannot print graphics, the print quality is low, and they are very noisy.