Maverick Meerkat Ubuntu codename

Maverick Meerkat is the Ubuntu codename for version 10.10 of the Ubuntu Linux-based operating system. Officially released on October 10, 2010 (10/10/10), Maverick Meerkat added multi-touch support, a new Ubuntu Font Family typeface for user interface menus, enhanced cloud storage support, a streamlined and more user-friendly installation process and other additions and enhancements.

Maverick means “an unbranded range animal or a person with independent thoughts and views,” and the meerkat is a small African mammal in the mongoose family that was also popularized by the Animal Planet series Meerkat Manor. Maverick Meerkat followed the Lucid Lynx (v10.04) release of Ubuntu and was succeeded by Natty Narwhal (v11.04) in 2011.

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