Microarchitecture is the term used to describe the resources and methods used to achieve architecture specification. The term typically includes the way in which these resources are organized as well as the design techniques used in the processor to reach the target cost and performance goals. The microarchitecture essentially forms a specification for the logical implementation. [Source: Adapted from “The Anatomy of a High Performance Microprocessor A Systems Perspective”]
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- microbend
In fiber optic transmissions, microbend is an imperfection in the optical fiber which was created during manufacturing. Microbending can cause extrinsic attenuation, a reduction of optical power in the glass. Unlike macrobending, the imperfection may not always be visible. Contrast with macrobend.
- Microblog
A type of blog that lets users publish short text updates. Bloggers can usually use a number of service for the updates including instant messaging, e-mail, or Twitter. The posts are called microposts, while the act of using these services to update your blog is called microblogging. Social networking sites, like Facebook, also use a […]
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- microcode
(1) The lowest-level instructions that directly control a microprocessor. A single machine-language instruction typically translates into several microcode instructions. In modern PC microprocessors, the microcode is hardwired and can’t be modified. Some RISC designs go one step further by completely eliminating the microcode level so that machine instructions directly control the processor. At the other […]
- Microcomputer
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