Short for Mean Time until Data Loss, in data storage, MTDL is the average time until a component failure can be expected to cause data loss.
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Short for Mean Time To Repair, in data storage, MTTR is the average time before an electronic component can be expected to require repair.
(1) Short for Methods for Testing and Specification. (2) Short for Microsoft Transaction Server, a feature of the Microsoft Windows NT Server operating system that allows the development and deployment of server-centric applications built using Microsoft Component Object Model (COM) technologies. (3) Short for Measured Telephone Service, a telecommunication service based on metered usage such […]
Short for Maximum Transmission Unit, the largest physical packet size, measured in bytes, that a networkcan transmit. Any messages larger than the MTU are divided into smaller packets before being sent. Every network has a different MTU, which is set by the network administrator. On Windows 95, you can also set the MTU of your […]
Short for Mechanical Transfer Registered Jack, MT-RJ is a fiber optics connector popular for small form factor devices due to its small size. The MT-RJ uses a form factor and latch like the RJ-45 and it supports full duplex.
Short for mail user agent, the software that allows a user to access and manage e-mail, including reading, composing, disposing, printing and displaying e-mail messages. The MUA provides the interface between the user and the MTA. Eudora and Outlook are two popular MUAs.