
A computer with circuitry so small that it can only be seen through a microscope. Nanocomputers can be electronic (where nanolithography is used to create microscopic circuits), biochemical or organic (such as DNA computers), or quantum (such as quantum computers). Nanocomputers deal with materials at a molecular level and hold the promise of creating increasingly smaller and faster computers, an important concept in the realm of pervasive computing.

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  • nanolithography

    Lithography at a microscopic scale, nanolithography is used in the creation of nanocomputers.

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    Commonly used in nanotechnology, a nanometer is a measurement of one billionth of a meter. In is abbreviated as nm. For example 90 nanometer would be written as 90 nm.

  • nanosecond

    A billionth of a second. Many computer operations, such as the speed of memory chips, are measured in nanoseconds. Nanosecond is often abbreviated as ns.

  • nanotechnology

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