remote control
Refers to a program’s or device’s ability to control a computer system from a remote location. Remote-control programs for PCs enable you to access data stored on your home system even when you are traveling.
Remote control is different from remote access. In remote control, only keystrokes and screen updates are transmitted between the two machines as all processing originates in the remote-control device. In a remote access setup, the user is logged onto the network, using the phone line as an extension to the network. Thus, all traffic has to flow over a low-speed telephone line.
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- remote control software
Software, installed in both machines, that allows a user at a local computer to have control of a remote computer via modem or other connection. Remote control operation is used to take control of an unattended desktop personal computer from a remote location as well as to provide instruction and technical support to remote users.
Short for remote terminal unit. In SCADA systems, an RTU is a device installed at a remote location that collects data, codes the data into a format that is transmittable and transmits the data back to a central station, or master. An RTU also collects information from the master device and implements processes that are […]
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