screen flicker
The phenomenon whereby a display screen appears to flicker. Screen flicker results from a variety of factors, the most important of which is the monitor’s refresh rate, the speed with which the screen is redrawn. If the refresh rate is too slow, the screen will appear to glimmer. Another factor that affects screen flicker is the persistence of the screen phosphors. Low-persistence phosphors fade more quickly than high-persistence monitors, making screen flicker more likely. Screen flicker can also be affected by lighting. Finally, screen flicker is a subjective perception that affects people differently. Some people perceive screen flicker where others do not.
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- screen font
A font designed especially for a display screen. Typically, display fonts are bit-mapped, and must be specially designed to compensate for the relatively low resolution of display screens.
- screen scraper
Software that allows a PC to intercept character-based data from a mainframe — often presented in a green screen — and present it in an easier to understand graphical user interface (GUI ). Newer screen scrapers present the information in HTML, so it can be accessed with a browser. Leading makers include Mozart (, Flashpoint, […]
- screen saver
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- Script
Another term for macro or batch file, a script is a list of commands that can be executed without user interaction. A script language is a simple programming language with which you can write scripts. Apple Computer uses the term script to refer to programs written in its HyperCard or AppleScriptlanguage.