topic maps

An ISO standard for representing knowledge structures and associating information and resources to those structures. The topic map represents the topics, associations (relationships between the topics), and occurrences. Topic maps are commonly used in building topic-driven content Web sites and also to organize the content in content management systems, in place of folder hierarchies.

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  • Topology

    )The shape of a local-area network (LAN) or other communications system. Topologies are either physical or logical. There are four principal topologies used in LANs. bus topology: All devices are connected to a central cable, called the bus or backbone. Bus networks are relatively inexpensive and easy to install for small networks. Ethernet systemsuse a […]

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  • touch screen

    A type of display screen that has a touch-sensitive transparent panel covering the screen. Instead of using a pointing device such as a mouse or light pen, you can use your finger to point directly to objects on the screen. Although touch screens provide a natural interface for computer novices, they are unsatisfactory for most […]

  • touchpad

    A small, touch-sensitive pad used as a pointing device on some portable computers. By moving a finger or other object along the pad, you can move the pointer on the display screen. And you click by tapping the pad.

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