Already stated
Synonyms for already stated
adj the
previously mentioned
the indicated
the present
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- Already taken
Synonyms for already taken adj engaged, at work active unavailable working occupied engaged engrossed persevering buried employed hustling assiduous diligent industrious on duty swamped overloaded snowed slaving at it having a full plate having fish to fry having many irons in the fire in a meeting in conference in the field in the laboratory on […]
- Also
Synonyms for also adv in addition to again likewise too further still more besides additionally along and furthermore including moreover plus along with as well as well as conjointly in conjunction with in like manner more than that on top of over and above to boot together with withal
- Also called
Synonyms for also called adv otherwise known as also known as otherwise
- Also known as
Synonyms for also known as adv as known or named at another time or place alias a.k.a.
- Also ran
Synonyms for also ran noun unsuccessful challenger loser failure nonstarter defeated player unsuccessful candidate unsuccessful person Synonyms noun remote possibility also-ran long shot underdog improbability unknown sleeper hundred-to-one shot little chance little opportunity outside chance outside shot poor bet poor lookout poor possibility poor prognosis poor prospect slim chance small chance stalking horse unexpected winner […]