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- Anopsia
Spelling Center 100 Commonly Misspelled Words Spelling Tools Spelling Tests Misspelled Spanish Words Facebook Grammar Pages Twitter Spelling Bees Resume Spelling Tips Spelling Games Spelling Help Facebook Spelling Pages Twitter Spelling Rules! Popular Texting Abbreviations Spelling Humor Hilarious misspelled tattoos Misspelled road signs Bizarre billboards Misspelled protest signs Funny typos, bad grammar
- Anorak
Synonyms for anorak noun personal outerwear frock raincoat overcoat cloak jacket suit wrap threads trench cape tuxedo windbreaker tux slicker mink ulster cutaway mackinaw topcoat tails greatcoat pea flogger duffle coat
- Anoraks
Synonyms for anoraks noun personal outerwear frock raincoat overcoat cloak jacket suit wrap threads trench cape tuxedo windbreaker tux anorak slicker mink ulster cutaway mackinaw topcoat tails greatcoat pea flogger duffle coat
- Anorectic
Synonyms for anorectic adj thin starved angular bony puny scrawny shadow skeleton skinny gangly undernourished malnourished undersized skin and bones stringbean Antonyms for anorectic chubby overweight plump fat thick
- Anorexia nervosa
Synonyms for anorexia nervosa noun eating disorder anorexia food aversion loss of appetite