As things go
Synonyms for as things go
conjuction on account of
as a result of
as long as
by cause of
by reason of
by virtue of
due to
for the reason that
for the sake of
in as much as
in behalf of
in that
in the interest of
in view of
now that
on the grounds that
owing to
thanks to
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- As though
Synonyms for as though conj as if as it were as it would be as might be in such a way that just as just as if just as though so to speak Synonyms adv seemingly apparently evidently presumably probably supposedly Usage Notes As a conjunction, one sense of as is “because”: As she was […]
- As to
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- As well
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- As well as
Synonyms for as well as adv in addition to again likewise too further still more besides additionally along and furthermore including moreover plus along with as well conjointly in conjunction with in like manner more than that on top of over and above to boot together with withal Synonyms conj in addition to; plus also […]