As to
Synonyms for as to
prep in respect of
as for
as regards
on the subject of
with reference to
with respect to
prep concerning
as for
in re
with regard to
with respect to
adj distinguished
in comparison
set side by side
adv in connection with
apart from
by the bye
in as much as
in passing
on the part of
relating to
speaking of
while on the subject
with reference to
adj concerning
as regards
in regard to
in relation to
with reference to
with regard to
with respect to
adj regarding
in connection with
in respect to
referring to
relating to
with reference to
with regard to
Usage Notes
As a conjunction, one sense of as is “because”: As she was bored, Sue left the room. As also has an equally common use in the sense “while, when”: As the parade passed by, the crowd cheered and applauded. These two senses sometimes result in ambiguity: As the gates were closed, he walked away. (When? Because?) As … as is standard in both positive and negative constructions: The fleet was as widely scattered then as it had been at the start of the conflict. Foreign service is not as attractive as it once was. So … as is sometimes used in negative constructions (… not so attractive as it once was) and in questions (“What is so rare as a day in June?”). The phrase as far as generally introduces a clause: As far as money is concerned, the council has exhausted all its resources. In some informal speech and writing, as far as is treated as a preposition and followed only by an object: As far as money, the council has exhausted all its resources. As to as a compound preposition has long been standard though occasionally criticized as a vague substitute for about, of, on, or concerning: We were undecided as to our destination. As to sometimes occurs at the beginning of a sentence, where it introduces an element that would otherwise have less emphasis: As to his salary, that too will be reviewed. As to what and as to whether are sometimes considered redundant but have long been standard: an argument as to what department was responsible. See also all, because, farther, like1, so1.
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