Synonyms for blamable
adj blameworthy
Antonyms for blamable
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- Blame
Synonyms for blame noun condemnation criticism animadversion reprehension disparagement accusation reprobation arraignment rebuke obloquy tirade castigation charge disapproval attack denunciation invective reproof indictment diatribe complaint attribution slur depreciation censure opposition disfavor reproach incrimination imputation disapprobation remonstrance expostulation reprimand implication repudiation recrimination objurgation inculpation chiding impeachment exprobation Antonyms for blame commendation compliment flattery praise exculpation acquittal […]
- Blamed
Synonyms for blamed adj damned confounded blessed bloody cursed accursed damn blasted execrable darn goddamned Usage Notes Some speakers avoid blame on as informal (He blamed the fight on me), preferring blame alone (He blamed me) or blame for (He blamed me for it). Since all three forms occur with equal frequency in educated usage, […]
- Blameful
Synonyms for blameful adj blameworthy at fault blamable censurable culpable guilty
- Blameless
Synonyms for blameless adj not responsible above suspicion clean clear exemplary faultless good guiltless immaculate impeccable inculpable innocent irreproachable perfect pure righteous stainless unblemished unimpeachable unsullied untarnished upright virtuous irreprehensible clean-handed crimeless guilt-free in the clear not guilty unoffending unspotted Antonyms for blameless culpable guilty impeachable responsible reproachable
- Blamelessnesses
Synonyms for blamelessnesses noun innocence artlessness innocence blamelessness guilelessness Antonyms for blamelessnesses impurity experience