Synonyms for bloody-minded
adj murderous
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- Bloom
Synonyms for bloom noun flower blossom flower blossoming opening efflorescence floret bud flourishing floweret Synonyms verb flower; flourish prosper blossom sprout germinate grow thrive blow effloresce develop fructify burst wax succeed burgeon open bud be in flower bear fruit fare well tassel out Antonyms shrivel wither fail lose shrink die halt stop decline end
- Bloomer
Synonyms for bloomer noun blunder goof blooper stumble muff fumble error boner bungle mistake faux pas Antonyms for bloomer accuracy certainty correction truth
- Bloomers
Synonyms for bloomer noun blunder goof blooper stumble muff fumble error boner bungle mistake faux pas Antonyms for bloomers accuracy certainty correction truth
- Blooming
Synonyms for blooming adj flowering budding flourishing growing blossoming opening sprouting bearing fruit Antonyms for blooming sterile fading barren unfruitful declining Synonyms adj thriving flourishing growing prospering robust successful doing well Antonyms sterile fading barren unfruitful declining Synonyms adj glowing bright chipper energetic fresh radiant rosy spry bright-eyed Antonyms sterile fading barren unfruitful declining
- Bloomings
Synonyms for bloomings noun color of blood; shade resembling such a color rose flaming maroon glowing cardinal crimson pink cherry sanguine carmine brick blooming blush rust bloodshot florid flushed healthy inflamed roseate rosy rubicund ruddy coral wine copper russet puce bittersweet garnet vermilion infrared scarlet claret magenta fuchsia burgundy geranium cerise chestnut salmon dahlia ruby […]