Synonyms for blossomy
adj decorated with flowers
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- Blot
Synonyms for blot noun mark; flaw blemish blotch smudge speck odium onus disgrace slur smear brand blur spot defect taint fault stigma stain patch discoloration black eye Antonyms for blot advantage perfection cleanliness blank clarity honor respect benefit blessing strength Synonyms verb disgrace, disfigure smudge sully blemish tarnish soil smut spot mark discolor dirty spoil […]
- Blot on landscape
Synonyms for blot on landscape noun mess, ugliness blight blemish disgrace disfigurement dump horror deformity distortion blot sight monstrosity atrocity ugly thing Antonyms for blot on landscape clarity eyeful beauty Synonyms noun flaw freckle blot bruise wart blotch smudge imperfection pimple snag stigma stain scar discoloration disgrace disfigurement chip birthmark second sight dent mole speck […]
- Blot on the landscape
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- Blot out
Synonyms for blot out verb destroy completely wipe out exterminate liquidate obliterate decimate demolish crush quell negate extinguish raze eradicate quash murder annul invalidate ruin massacre undo abolish nullify vitiate erase wrack slaughter abate abrogate expunge wreck extirpate do in rub out finish off root out take out Antonyms for blot out create construct aid […]
- Blotch
Synonyms for blotch noun smudge blot blemish eruption spot patch splash breakout stigma stain mark mottling acne Antonyms for blotch blank clarity cleanness