Synonyms for congratulatory
adj congratulating
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- Congregant
Synonyms for congregant noun believer devotee votary supplicant adorer churchgoer communicant devout person pious person Antonyms for congregant agnostic atheist skeptic
- Congregants
Synonyms for congregants noun believer devotee votary supplicant adorer churchgoer communicant congregant devout person pious person Antonyms for congregants agnostic atheist skeptic
- Congregate
Synonyms for congregate verb assemble, come together throng gather converge swarm flock teem raise besiege muster rendezvous corral rally collect convoke concentrate mass convene meet pack congress round up bunch up forgather gang around gang up hang out make the scene meet up Antonyms for congregate disperse scatter divide separate spread distribute cancel
- Congregated
Synonyms for congregate verb assemble, come together throng gather converge swarm flock teem raise besiege muster rendezvous corral rally collect convoke concentrate mass convene meet pack congress round up bunch up forgather gang around gang up hang out make the scene meet up Antonyms for congregated disperse scatter divide separate spread distribute cancel
- Congregation
Synonyms for congregation noun assembled group, especially concerned with church-going throng crowd parish gathering audience flock confab laity assembly muster turnout company aggregation collection host multitude sit-in meet following group meeting public assemblage get-together disciples parishioners churchgoers Antonyms for congregation separation division