Synonyms for dexies
noun hard drug
pep pill
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Synonyms for dexter adj advantageous benevolent favorable encouraging auspicious beneficent bright charitable fortunate good lucky merciful propitious salutary smiling Antonyms for dexter hateful hostile hurtful injurious malignant unkind disadvantageous harmful cancerous bad severe Synonyms adj full of promise; good, favorable auspicious advantageous opportune beneficial benign brave bright encouraging fortunate happy hopeful lucky pat promising prosperous […]
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Synonyms for dexterous dextrous adj bright, ingenious adept adroit alert astute brainy cagey canny capable competent crackerjack discerning egghead expert foxy gifted intelligent inventive knowing knowledgeable many-sided nimble pretty pro quick-witted rational resourceful sagacious savvy sensible shrewd skilled skillful slick sly sprightly talented versatile wise witty able apt brilliant cunning deep dexterous/dextrous good handy keen […]
- Dexterous/dextrous
Synonyms for dexterous/dextrous adj bright, ingenious adept adroit alert astute brainy cagey canny capable competent crackerjack discerning egghead expert foxy gifted intelligent inventive knowing knowledgeable many-sided nimble pretty pro quick-witted rational resourceful sagacious savvy sensible shrewd skilled skillful slick sly sprightly talented versatile wise witty able apt brilliant cunning deep good handy keen qualified quick […]