Synonyms for erratum
noun misprint
Antonyms for erratum
Usage Notes
See errata.
Read Also:
- Erred
Synonyms for err verb make a mistake; do wrong stumble misbehave stray miscalculate blow goof deviate lapse flub muff snafu blunder trespass misjudge misapprehend fall offend sin wander foul up mess up screw up louse up bollix transgress be in error be inaccurate be incorrect be mistaken boo-boo drop the ball go astray go wrong […]
- Erring
Synonyms for erring adj mistaken wrong sinning straying deviating criminal culpable delinquent errant fallible faulty sinful blundering in error
- Erringly
Synonyms for erringly adv wrongly; defectively afield badly improperly incorrectly mistakenly unfavorably afoul erroneously faultily inappropriately out of turn unsuitably Antonyms for erringly good right well Synonyms adv wrongly falsely badly erroneously inadvisedly
- Errings
Synonyms for errings noun violation, misbehavior infringement infraction lapse misdemeanor crime misdeed wrongdoing error breach fault sin disobedience vice iniquity encroachment contravention trespass wrong slip defiance offense erring breaking of the law overstepping Antonyms for errings perfection good deed obedience submission virtue goodness behavior good manners kindness right
- Erroneous
Synonyms for erroneous adj wrong, incorrect untrue inaccurate spurious specious mistaken unsound invalid faulty misguided unfounded amiss askew awry defective fallacious inexact off false flawed all off all wet way off wrong number Antonyms for erroneous honest real valid true accurate correct genuine precise right substantiated just sound strong well