Synonyms for furl
verb wrap up
roll up
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Synonyms for furlough noun leave of absence leave layoff liberty rest and recreation R& rest and recuperation rest and relaxation
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Synonyms for furloughed adj dismissed released fired freed canned replaced sacked laid-off ejected ousted recalled axed expelled let go sent away sent home Synonyms verb remove from job, responsibility oust suspend fire recall retire terminate sack depose impeach discharge disqualify furlough bump cashier drop boot displace bounce depone can shelve unseat ax pension kick out […]
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Synonyms for furloughing verb remove from job, responsibility oust suspend fire recall retire terminate sack depose impeach discharge disqualify furlough bump cashier drop boot displace bounce depone can shelve unseat ax pension kick out lay off put away send packing shut out pink-slip let go defrock unfrock boot out deselect disemploy disfrock give notice to […]
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