Synonyms for gadabout
noun rambler
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- Gadfly
Synonyms for gadfly noun goad; nuisance annoyance irritant pest prod spur stimulator motivator excitant energizer mover
- Gadget
Synonyms for gadget noun device, novelty contraption widget apparatus utensil tool object appliance gimmick gizmo business doohickey doodad thing invention contrivance thingamajig concern whatchamacallit
- Gadgetry
Synonyms for gadgetry noun mechanism instrumentation works machinery bells and whistles appliances contraptions ingenious device
- Gadgets
Synonyms for gadget noun device, novelty contraption widget apparatus utensil tool object appliance gimmick gizmo business doohickey doodad thing invention contrivance thingamajig concern whatchamacallit
- Gaea
Synonyms for Gaea noun the earth personified Gaia Ge Great Mother Magna Mater Tellus terra earth mother mother goddess