Letting up

Synonyms for let up
verb pause



die down

die out
ease off
ease up
slow down

Antonyms for letting up


Usage Notes

Let us is used in all varieties of speech and writing to introduce a suggestion or a request: Let us consider all the facts before deciding. The contracted form let’s occurs mostly in informal speech and writing: Let’s go. Let’s not think about that right now. Perhaps because let’s has come to be felt as a word in its own right rather than as the contraction of let us, it is often followed in informal speech and writing by redundant or appositional pronouns: Let’s us plan a picnic. Let’s you and I (or me) get together tomorrow. Both Let’s you and me and Let’s you and I occur in the relaxed speech of educated speakers. The former conforms to the traditional rules of grammar; the latter, nonetheless, occurs more frequently. See also leave1.

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