Synonyms for lined
adj interlined
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- Lined a nest
Synonyms for lined a nest verb decorate, supply provide equip fix up rig appoint gear fit endow purvey outfit accoutre apparel array clothe provision arm store stock turn out feather a nest fit out line a nest make habitable Antonyms for lined a nest conceal hide unclothe waste secret leave plain unfurnish
- Lined nest
Synonyms for lined nest verb make ready with supplies gear prepare supply provide set up qualify decorate rig dress endow arm furnish adorn appoint deck accouter stake outfit attire ready implement man array heel stock fix up turn out deck out feather nest fit out gear up line nest prep Antonyms for lined nest disrobe […]
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Synonyms for lined out verb carry a tune with one’s voice serenade chant warble whistle shout croon hum wait intone solo descant resound hymn purr vocalize harmonize troll groan chirp mouth carol tune roar whine pipe buzz yodel duet lullaby belt out singsong trill choir cantillate burst into song canary lift up a voice line […]
- Lined up
Synonyms for lined up adj smooth, balanced matched trim constant flush polished matching even same uniform calm stable flat rolled equivalent plane horizontal exact parallel like plain steady regular common straight akin alike commensurate comparable consistent continuous equable identical precise proportionate unbroken uninterrupted aligned planed leveled trimmed in line of same height on a line […]
- Lined up with
Synonyms for lined up with verb befriend mix accompany join mingle consort amalgamate hobnob confederate fraternize pool get together hang around tie up be friends be in cahoots buddy up bunch up come together gang up get in on get in with get into go along with go partners hang out hang out with join […]