Synonyms for lustrative
adj purgative
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Synonyms for lustrous adj glossy, shining waxy glistening shimmering radiant dazzling sparkling glowing gleaming incandescent polished luminous shiny glorious splendid bright effulgent fulgent lambent refulgent lucent burnished glacé glinting Antonyms for lustrous dark dim dull matte unshiny
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Synonyms for lustrously adv glitteringly splendidly brilliantly blazingly dazzlingly glaringly gleamingly glisteningly glowingly luminously radiantly shinily shiningly sparklingly Antonyms for lustrously dully miserably sadly darkly
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Synonyms for lusts after verb desire strongly crave envy choose fancy want begrudge wish for lust after aspire to desiderate hanker for have eye on have hots for itch for long for spoil for thirst for yearn for yen for Antonyms for lusts after dislike hate abjure be generous give not want Synonyms verb desire […]
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Synonyms for lusus naturae noun giant animal; supernatural being giant devil freak behemoth horror demon beast villain whale savage mutant titan ogre colossus brute barbarian abnormality mammoth hellion fiend monstrosity dragon centaur phoenix werewolf leviathan Frankenstein miscreation Antonyms for lusus naturae god humanitarian angel
- Lusus naturaes
Synonyms for lusus naturaes noun giant animal; supernatural being giant devil freak behemoth horror demon beast villain whale savage mutant titan ogre colossus brute barbarian abnormality mammoth hellion fiend monstrosity dragon centaur phoenix werewolf leviathan Frankenstein miscreation lusus naturae Antonyms for lusus naturaes god humanitarian angel