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  • More healthful

    Synonyms for healthful/healthy adj good for one’s wellness advantageous aseptic beneficial benign bracing cathartic clean conducive corrective desirable fresh harmless healing helpful hygienic innocuous invigorating nourishing nutritious profitable pure restorative salubrious salutary sanitary stimulating tonic unadulterated useful wholesome compensatory nutritive untainted aiding body-building disease-free energy-giving health-giving mitigative sanatory sustaining unpolluted Antonyms for more healthful diseased […]

  • More healthgiving

    Synonyms for more healthgiving adj cheering soothing encouraging refreshing freeing softening invigorating curing reassuring assuaging tranquilizing sustaining remedying relieving upholding inspiriting abating restoring solacing consoling alleviating succoring revivifying allaying warming lightening revitalizing mitigating analeptic consolatory health-giving heart-warming Antonyms for more healthgiving depressing dispiriting distressing disturbing irritating upsetting aggravating worrying Synonyms adj good for one’s wellness […]

  • More healthobsessed

    Spelling Center 100 Commonly Misspelled Words Spelling Tools Spelling Tests Misspelled Spanish Words Facebook Grammar Pages Twitter Spelling Bees Resume Spelling Tips Spelling Games Spelling Help Facebook Spelling Pages Twitter Spelling Rules! Popular Texting Abbreviations Spelling Humor Hilarious misspelled tattoos Misspelled road signs Bizarre billboards Misspelled protest signs Funny typos, bad grammar

  • More healthy

    Synonyms for more healthy adj improved in health improving well recovering mending convalescent cured fitter progressing fully recovered healthier less ill on the comeback trail on the mend on the road to recovery out of the woods over the hump stronger Antonyms for more healthy worse smaller sicker unhealthy littler tinier more ill

  • More healthy looking

    Synonyms for more healthy looking adj pink, reddish in color glowing rose-colored blooming blushing colored fresh red roseate rubicund ruddy aflush coral deep pink healthy-looking high-colored incarnadine pale red peach red-complexioned red-faced Antonyms for more healthy looking pale depressing hopeless sad

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