More sensitized
Synonyms for more sensitized
adj having a reaction to food, material, etc.
averse to
immune sensitive
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Synonyms for sensorial adj sensational sensory amazing arresting astounding breathtaking emotional piquant sensitive sensual sensuous stimulating sultry electrifying
- Sensory
Synonyms for sensory adj affecting animate nerve organs auditory visual sensual tactile sensational acoustic audible auricular clear discernible distinct ocular perceptible plain receptive sensible optic sonic neurological neural audiovisual olfactory aural afferent gustative gustatory hearable lingual olfactive ophthalmic phonic sensatory
- Sensual
Synonyms for sensual adj physical, erotic voluptuous sensuous sexy exciting sexual tactile X-rated animal bodily carnal debauched delightful epicurean fleshly heavy hot lascivious lecherous lewd libidinous licentious lustful moving pleasing rough steamy stimulating stirring hedonic unchaste animalistic arousing sharpened unspiritual Antonyms for sensual abstemious chaste mental
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Synonyms for sensualistic adj sensuous epicurean horny hot lusty provocative sensual steamy voluptuous
- Sensuous
Synonyms for sensuous adj gratifying to senses lush voluptuous sensual carnal epicurean exciting fleshly fleshy luscious luxurious passionate physical pleasurable rich self-indulgent sensory sumptuous hedonistic sensualistic sybaritic pleasure-loving pleasure-seeking primrose Antonyms for sensuous despicable distasteful