Most down covered
Synonyms for most down covered
adj fluffy
Antonyms for most down covered
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Synonyms for most down in mouth adj disheartened depressed pessimistic crestfallen blue down dispirited beat downbeat downcast glum sad dismayed dashed deterred daunted beat-down caved-in come-apart down-in-mouth gone to pieces in a funk in blue funk in the dumps lost momentum Antonyms for most down in mouth encouraged happy heartened inspired
- Most down in the mouth
Synonyms for most down in the mouth adj depressed, unhappy forlorn discouraged blue down bad low moody cheerless crestfallen dejected despondent disappointed disconsolate dispirited distressed doleful downhearted droopy dull gloomy glum heartsick listless low-spirited miserable morose oppressed sad troubled woebegone brooding bummed out cast down chapfallen daunted disheartened dismayed down in the dumps down-in-the-mouth dragged […]
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