Most emitting
Synonyms for most emitting
adj flowing
pouring out
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- Most emotionable
Synonyms for most emotionable adj impressionable tricky precise tense keen susceptible nervous receptive conscious touchy perceptive unstable delicate responsive emotional knowing seeing acute psychic understanding feeling fine cognizant high-strung hung up impressible irritable perceiving precarious sensory sentient ticklish wired sensorial umbrageous hypersensitive easily affected emotionable oversensitive reactive sensatory sensile supersensitive touchy feely tuned in turned […]
- Most emphasizing
Synonyms for most emphasizing adj becoming more intense growing building dominant deepening escalating accelerating intensifying sharpening emphasizing accentuating advancing heightening building up
- Most emphysematous
Synonyms for most emphysematous adj unable to respire normally blown exhausted out of breath panting spent winded asthmatic choking emphysematous gasping gulping short of breath short-winded stertorous wheezing Antonyms for most emphysematous breathy calm
- Most empiric
Synonyms for empirical/empiric adj practical; based on experience experimental factual observed pragmatic provisional experient experiential observational Antonyms for most empiric hypothetical impractical speculative theoretical unobserved
- Most empirical
Synonyms for empirical/empiric adj practical; based on experience experimental factual observed pragmatic provisional experient experiential observational Antonyms for most empirical hypothetical impractical speculative theoretical unobserved Synonyms adj practical factual experimental observed pragmatic provisional speculative observational empiric experient experiential Antonyms conjectural hypothetical impractical theoretic theoretical unproved unobserved