Synonyms for nonproliferations
noun weapons reduction
gun control
arms limitation
arms reduction
defense cuts
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- Nonprosecution
Synonyms for nonprosecution noun diplomat’s legal freedom indemnity privilege congressional immunity legislative immunity special case special privilege
- Nonprosecutions
Synonyms for nonprosecutions noun diplomat’s legal freedom indemnity privilege congressional immunity legislative immunity nonprosecution special case special privilege
- Nonprovocative
Synonyms for nonprovocative adj not obnoxious; harmless pleasant innocuous unobtrusive calm clean friendly humble innocent mild neutral peaceable quiet retiring safe unobjectionable unoffending innoxious Antonyms for nonprovocative damaging harmful malicious offensive provocative
- Nonpublic
Synonyms for nonpublic adj personal, intimate independent confidential separate secret individual exclusive special inside privy closet particular clandestine discreet hush-hush hushed off the record own reserved unofficial behind the scenes not open close to one’s chest under one’s hat Antonyms for nonpublic known sociable unconcealed common public ordinary open revealed
- Nonracial
Synonyms for nonracial adj open to all races open multicultural desegregated interracial multiracial nonsectarian nonsegregated racially mixed